Advice and answers from the Buildify Team help center

Content Settings


  • Provide the Access Token (required to display Instagram photos on a website).
  • Set the resolution of images: standard, low, thumbnail.
  • Decide how images will be sorted: from newest to oldest, from the lowest number of likes to highest, etc.
  • Set the limit of images to be shown on the page at the same time.

Image Carousel

  • Indicate the number of slides to be shown on the page.
  • Indicate the number of slides to be scrolled.
  • Enable or disable automatic stretching of images.
  • Choose the navigation type: arrows, dots, both.

Additional Options

  • Enable or disable pausing the carousel on hover of the cursor.
  • Enable or disable autoplaying of the carousel.
  • Set the autoplay speed.
  • Enable or disable the infinite loop option.
  • Set the speed of animation.
  • Set the direction of animation: to the left, or to the right.

Image Lightbox

Enable the option if you want the image to open in a modal window. The modal window emerges on clicking on the image.

  • Firstly, choose the lightbox type: simple image or image post.
  • Configure the color settings and set the overlay background.
  • Set the width of the modal window.
  • Choose the position for the modal window: top or center.
  • Decide on the animation for the modal window.

Style Settings


Customize the navigation icons. Set the position, size and color, dots and arrows.


Here you can customize:

  • Spacing
  • Border type and radius

Advanced Settings

  1. Element Style (margin, padding, entrance appearance).
  2. Background & Border (type, radius, box shadow).
  3. Responsive (hide or show it on a desktop, tablet, mobile).

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