Advice and answers from the Buildify Team help center

Alert widget enables to highlighting alert or most important information.

Content Settings

  • To highlight text, set up the following types:
    - Info (text is highlighted in blue).
    - Success (text is highlighted in green).
    - Warning (text is highlighted in light red).
    - Danger (text is highlighted in red).
  • Enter/edit the text into the field on the right hand-side of the window.
  • Show or hide the Dismiss button.

Style Settings

Alert Type

  • Set background and border color.
  • Set left border width.


  • Choose text color.
  • Make typography settings - set size, font, style, letter spacing, etc.


  • Choose text color.
  • Make typography settings - set size, font, style, letter spacing, etc.


Advanced Settings 

  1. Element Style (margin, padding, entrance appearance).
  2. Background & Border (type, radius, box shadow).
  3. Responsive (hide or show it on a desktop, tablet, mobile).

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