Advice and answers from the Buildify Team help center

Image Box widget combines images, headlines and text.

Content Settings

Here you need to make next settings:

  1. Enter image title and alt text.
  2. Enter title and description.
  3. Add link.
  4. Set image position.

Style Settings


  • Set image spacing - space between image and content.
  • Set image size and opacity.
  • Choose animation.
  • Set border type and radius.
  • Set box shadow.


  • Set horizontal and vertical alignment.
  • Set title spacing - distance between title and content.
  • Set color of title and description.
  • Make typography settings for title and description.

Advanced Settings 

  1. Element Style (margin, padding, entrance appearance).
  2. Background & Border (type, radius, box shadow).
  3. Responsive (hide or show it on a desktop, tablet, mobile).

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